

MAY 29, 2019 Reforms for a New India: How to steer transformative economic change in Modi’s second term, By Arvind Panagariya

MAY 24, 2019  View: Creating good jobs requires a more open economy and wide-ranging reforms, By Arvind Panagariya

MAY 17, 2019  Free up the learning curve, By Arvind Panagariya

May 1, 2019 Celebrating Swachh Bharat Mission: Of all Modi’s projects, it will have the greatest long-term impact on people’s live, By Arvind Panagariya

APR 4, 2019 Expect Modi to repeat 2014 victory: BJP has got its act together while opposition is splintered and wholly unprepared, By Arvind Panagariya

MAR 6, 2019  India’s digital revolution: It’s going great guns, but India must remain open to foreign technologies and capital, By Arvind Panagariya

MAR 30, 2019  View: Congress' NYAY scheme is neither fair nor feasible, By Arvind Panagariya

MAR 13, 2019 India is Trump’s Next Target in the Trade War, By Arvind Panagariya

FEB 28, 2019  View: Don’t deride PM-KISAN yet, data shows it will help rural India’s poorest, By Arvind Panagariya

FEB 15, 2018  Liberating India’s best colleges: HRD minister Javadekar has just announced the most far reaching reforms in higher education, By Arvind Panagariya

FEB 5, 2018  Why some vested interests have created a fog around National Medical Commission Bill, By Arvind Panagariya

FEB 6, 2019  India’s choices in 2019: Modi has reforms to his credit, UPA free rode on Vajpayee’s reforms, By Arvind Panagariya

FEB 3, 2019  Cash in pocket, not in pipeline, By Arvind Panagariya

JAN 15, 2018  Apparel industry model holds the key for India’s job creation requirements, By Arvind Panagariya

JAN 10, 2018   Threshold of Renaissance: Medical education is in desperate need of transformation, NMC Bill can bring it about, By Arvind Panagariya

JAN 10, 2019  Confront the harsh reality: The only way we can really help farmers is to take most of them out of farming, By Arvind Panagariya

NOV 14, 2018  Manufacturing India’s future: Problems of rising protectionism around the world and automation are overstated, By Arvind Panagariya

DEC 18, 2017  Growth in Gujarat hasn’t been confined to 1% of population, By Arvind Panagariya

DEC 14, 2017  Wrong way to Make In India: Why we must resist the temptation to return to import substitution mirage, By Arvind Panagariya

OCT 23, 2017  How to revive bank credit: Government should, to begin with, offer PSBs bonds in return for equivalent equity, By Arvind Panagariya

OCT 8, 2017  GDP Slowdown: Despite all the gloom, in macroeconomic terms, the economy is remarkably stable, By Arvind Panagariya

 SEP 26, 2017   Floor hasn’t fallen through: Don’t go by ‘feel’, economic data call for measured rather than precipitate action, By Arvind Panagariya