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Global Governance: Evolving Role for India

 WHO: Syed Akbaruddin, Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador

Introduction by Arvind Panagariya (Jagdish N. Baghwati Professor of Indian Political Economy in the Department of International and Public Affairs and of Economics)

WHEN: Monday, March 19, 2018, Reception 5:45 p.m.; Lecture 6:30-8:00 p.m.

WHERE: Columbia University, International Affairs Building, Room 1501 (15th Floor) Morningside Heights Campus, 420 W. 118th Street NY, NY 10027. Enter Building at 118th Street, at Broadway.

EVENT TOPIC: On one hand the end of cold war brought changes in the engagement and expectation of global community from Global Governance structures and institutions, on the other the world increasingly witnessed issues/challenges of transnational character. To address those international/multilateral cooperation became increasingly important. The history of India's engagement with world organisations including being a founding member of the United Nations, coupled with its growing economic and political profile with a strong leadership makes this juncture an interesting one. In 2017, Indian candidates won elections of three important world bodies namely International Law Commission (ILC), International Tribunal for the Law of Sea ( ITLOS) and most importantly the International Court of Justice. From one of the highest recipient of multi-lateral development aid, India has quietly transitioned into the role of provider as in the last three years it has given more aid to foreign countries than it has received. 

Earlier Event: February 12
Deepak Garg on Relay Economy Technology
Later Event: April 25
Power Panel on India