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Age of Disruption: Global Trends and the US-India Relationship

The Age of Disruption: Global Trends and the U.S.-India Relationship

Who: Ambassador Tim Roemer, former US Member of Congress, 9/11 Commissioner, and Ambassador to India, is the Executive Director and Strategic Counselor at APCO Worldwide.  During his time in office, Ambassador Roemer helped move India from being America's 25th largest trading partner to 12th.  He oversaw the signing of the Counterterrorism Cooperation Initiative, which broadened U.S. – India coordination in intelligence and security cooperation, and he helped strengthen U.S. cooperation with India in technology transfers and sales in the defense and space industries. 

Introduced and presided by Arvind Panagariya, the Jagdish Bhagwati Professor of Indian Political Economy and Professor of Economics at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs.   Professor Panagariya is also the Directory of the Deepak and Neera Raj Center on Indian Economic Policies.

WhenMonday, November 12th, 2018, 6:00-8:00pm., Reception at 5:30 p.m.

Where: Columbia University, International Affairs Building, Room 1501 (15th Floor) Morningside Heights Campus, 420 W. 118th, NY NY 10027.  Enter building at 118th Street between Morningside Ave. and Amsterdam Ave.

Sponsored by the Deepak and Neera Raj Center on Indian Economic Policies and the India Business Initiative at the Jerome A. Chazen Institute for Global Business